Parish Choir


Our small choir at Marown Church, founded by Mrs Ann Williams is led by one of our organists Don Roworth  [BMus(Hons), Organist Emeritus and Senior Lay Clerk of Peel Cathedral.]

On a regular basis we sing Ferial Responses and a Psalm setting for our ‘Book of Common Prayer service of Morning Prayer’ on the first Sunday of the month; and on the third Sunday we lead the congregation in singing the ‘Service of Common Worship Holy Communion’.  Other Sundays are generally free, but from time to time we contribute to special events, such as at Christmas and the recent Civic Service.

On most Fridays we practice between 6pm and 7pm.  The Choir is a friendly bunch, with no requirement of prior ability to sing or read music.  We welcome anyone, of any age, who enjoys singing.  Why not come along and see if we suit you?

If you would like to know more, please contact Don on:

Phone: 840457 or Email:

