Services During Easter Week in the Parish

This years Lent course finishes on Monday the 30th of March. This has been a great course where we have explored the Creeds. There have been times where we have been challenged by the material and have had to look at some difficult issues raised during the related discussions. I hope we have a better understanding of these priceless resources for living our Christian lives and for knowing God better.
Monday 30th will be starting at the earlier time of 7.00 pm. We will be meeting in Marown Church where we will finish with a service of Compline.

Compline will also be held on the following dates.

Tuesday 31st 7.30 pm in St Paul’s Foxdale

Wednesday 1st April in St Luke’s Baldwin.

On Thursday 2nd April at 7.30 pm, there will be a Maunday Thursday joint service with the Chapel.

On Friday 3rd of April starting at 9.30 am from Marown Church, we have our “walk of witness” where we will be walking with a cross into Marown in the direction of Douglas. We will be handing out Easter leaflets and delivering them to households. This will be followed by a short service at 11.30 am including prayers around the War memorial to mark its 95th anniversary.

Then, as if that’s not enough, we will be holding a “Messy Church” service from 4.00 to 5.30 pm in Marown Church. The theme of course is the Easter story. As usual, be prepared to get “Messy”.