T T Catering Request for Volunteers.

T T will soon be upon us again. We still need volunteers to help support the ministry of hospitality provided at Marown Church and in the Church hall. This is a great opportunity to get involved in the worlds greatest road racing event. Where else can you be welcoming, witnessing and feeding visitors as motorcycle racers go past a few feet away at up to 150 plus mph!
It also provides a valuable service as a meeting place and a safe place for visitors and their families to congregate. It must be comforting for visitors to know that there is somewhere they can go to have a chat and a coffee if the weather is bad or, if they are feeling lonely.
There is access to the church even when the roads are closed so getting there to help and getting out again is not a problem.
For further details on how it all works please contact Ann Williams on 01624 852721.