Walk Across the Island Launched Today 30th April

The walk across the Island event was launched today. We walked, carrying the cross from St Germans Cathedral to the R.N.L.I station on St Patrick’s Isle. The weather was inclement to say the least and we were all very wet and cold by the time we placed the cross onto the lifeboat for its onward journey by sea to Port Erin. Bishop Robert, Archdeacon Andy and the Dean Nigel boarded the lifeboat to accompany the cross on the less than calm conditions. I think a lifeboat was the best vessel to be on board given the sea conditions. I am looking forward to hearing about their adventure on the high sea!

Please join the Churches of the Isle of Man as the cross travels across the Island. You could join us at any (or all) of the stopping points, or for the relatively short walks. On Easter day, 5th April, we invite all who can to walk the final 3 miles from St John’s to Peel for “Easter Praise” in the Island’s Cathedral, a gathering for all the Churches. That’s when we will inaugurate “Churches Alive in Mann” and demonstrate to the Island that “Church is Alive in Mann”.