Weekly Pew Sheet 05-06-22

Services this week;
10.30am ‘Mad Sunday’ 5th June, Pentecost  Marown Café Church
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion (said service)

Services next Sunday:
11.30am, Marown Parish Jubilee Service and celebration at Marown Church, all welcome.
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Evening Prayer.

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

What a week it has been!  The TT began and there are celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a 4 day Bank Holiday weekend-for some at least!

I hope you have been safe, well and able to enjoy the various events going on around the island.

A huge thank you to those involved in catering at Marown Church, we have welcomed between 60-200 visitors per sessions over the past week, most of whom have partaken of our hospitality in one way or another.

With more race days this week may I remind you that Marown Church is closed except for catering.  The church will be made ready for opening and worship on Sunday 12th June when our parish celebrates the Jubilee.

Every blessing for the coming week,

Canon Janice
