Weekly Pew Sheet 5-4-20

We are at the beginning of the most sacred week in our Church year.  We celebrate Jesus entry into Jerusalem, the crowds cheering and waving their palm branches. This rapturous reception soon turned sour and by Friday Jesus would die on the cross.  Doug chalk has written an excellent piece about Palm Sunday.  There is also lots to read and inspire you via our Facebook page and the latest edition of the parish magazine will be available on-line shortly, don’t forget to take a look.

However, Jesus had much still to say and teach in those final days of his earthly life.

We can join in with those events though our Bible readings for this week which can be found in the weekly pew sheet (download below).  I suggest that you read them slowly, several times each and make a mental note of any words that stand out to you then pray about the passage and those words or thoughts that have come into your mind.   This way of reading scripture helps to fully immerse ourselves in what is being said or told.
