What a great time we have had in the parish during Advent and into Christmas. We are still working through the Advent course which has been focusing on Baptism vows. There have been some very interesting discussions come out of the material. A big thanks to Pat Nicholson for hosting this course and providing us with a varied selection of seasonally appropriate consumables. (That would be cake and mince pies then ? Oh yes!).
We had a wonderful Messy Christingle over a Foxdale school on the 7th December. There were a good number of children and adults who attended. It was great fun with us making a selection of Christmas decorations and of course the christingles themselves. We ended with an informal service followed by sandwiches and refreshments. It was a great afternoon and our thanks go out to those who helped and the school staff for being so welcoming.
On the 15th, we held the Foxdale school and village carol service. This was very well attended with the Foxdale school pupils doing readings and singing for us. I was particularly moved by a rearranged version of Silent Night. “What Silent Night”. All the children spoke and sang out loud and clear with lots of smiles. Well done, you were a credit to your school.
On the 21st, we we had carols and christingles at Marown church. The Marown choir swelled by the Hummingbirds choir led the congregational singing and also sang several choral pieces. It was great to be a part of that. So, well done Ann and Don for teaching us over the past few weeks. To begin the service, Megan sang the first verse of Once in Royal David’s City beautifully. It really set the tone for the rest of the service.
Up at St Luke’s in the evening, we had the carols by candle and lamp light service. This is always an atmospheric service with a truly unique ambiance being created by the location and the lighting. Thanks to everyone who helped to decorate the church and carry out the tricky job of lighting the lamps.

We have also had nativity in the barn. Many thanks to the Christian family for arranging that for us. On the 17th there was a joint carol service at Crosby Methodist Chapel which was led by John Marchment.
Our midnight Eucharists in Marown and Foxdale were well attended with a good turn out of children and adults on Christmas day in Marown church.
As I write, we are on the first Sunday in Christmas and heading on towards Epiphany on the 6th of January. On behalf of Rev Janice and myself, I would like to thank everyone who decorated our churches so beautifully over Christmas and to those who helped with refreshments during the services. We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the regular running of events in the parish over the past year. Thank you.
As we look forward to 2015, it remains for all of us on the ministry team in the parish, to wish everyone a Happy, Peaceful and Blessed New Year.