May ’19 Parish Magazine

I hope you had a very Happy Easter.

We are looking forward to continuing the celebrations of Easter throughout the coming weeks. Unlike Christmas that is over in a week or two at most, this season lasts for seven weeks. During this time we also celebrate Ascension Day, which will be held at Old St Runius Church, and a number of saints days. There is then the wonderful occasion of the coming of the Holy Spirit marked by Pentecost and the Day of Thanksgiving for the institution of the Holy Communion known as Corpus Christi. As if all that were not enough both Marown Church and St Luke’s Church Baldwin have their anniversary service on 12th May. We will be so partied out – I hope we will have enough energy to welcome visitors to the TT races! 

We might feel that it is possible to have too much of a good thing, as the saying goes. But when it comes to celebrating special occasions and extending acts of hospitality then we are rightly following in our risen Saviour’s footsteps and example. The Gospels record numerous occasions when Jesus accepted and enjoyed the hospitality of others (Mary and Martha; 

Zacchaeus; the feeding of the 5,000 and so on). All of these events allow us to participate in God’s generosity and give us the opportunity to extend that generosity to others. 

Over the next few weeks we will be settling in our new PCC and assessing our Lent Eco-Challenge so there is plenty to be focused upon and no chance of ‘devil making work for idle hands’! Of course, all that we do needs to be grounded in prayer. Please keep all these activities before God during your personal devotion time. 

Every blessing for the coming busy weeks,

Canon Janice 

