Parish Magazine – May ’21

Dear Friends across our Parish 

During the past year many people may have been imagining a new way of living once ‘normality’ returned. There has been talk of a kinder, more caring society where people have time for their neighbours and re-build community bonds. Not an Aldous Huxley ‘Brave New World’ but a way of life that respects people in all their diversity and one that treasures the environment. 

Last month we thought about the Lord’s Prayer and what it might mean. Heather also included a piece about ‘Thy Kingdom come’ and this month I would like us to take those topics to heart. As Christians, we pray daily The Lord’s Prayer and for God’s kingdom to reign here and now, Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come………… We look to our world to mirror that of heaven. 

For several years, from Ascension Day to Pentecost, there has developed a global prayer movement initiated by the Anglican Church to pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come’. This year, from 13th -23rd May Christians all over the world, and of many denominations, will be involved in a wave of prayer for God to reign on earth. In our churches there will be leaflets for you to take away so you can also become part of this amazing prayer experience. There is a Prayer Journal to help guide your personal prayers and for the technologically minded a Digital Family Prayer Adventure Map so all generations can share in this time of prayer together. 

So much has happened over the past year with the pandemic, alongside climate and environmental concerns. We need God’s wisdom and guidance more than ever if we are going to face up to the full implications of these situations and find solutions that bring justice and peace for all creation. For Christians, prayer is always the best place to start, whatever confronts us, so I urge you to dedicate a few minutes per day praying ‘Thy kingdom come’…. and joining our brothers and sisters of faith in looking for God’s presence in our world today that will shape our future. You can find more information and resources via 

Every blessing for the month ahead 

Canon Janice 
