Parish magazine Summer 2022

Dear Friends across the Parish and Beyond,

I hope you enjoyed the Jubilee celebrations, our parish service on Sunday 12th June and events shown on the television.  Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has shown steadfast faithfulness to God and her people for seventy years.  There have been amazing changes in society over that time and she has been the constant and consistent presence that has provided stability in a fast-moving world.
Faithfulness is one of the Fruits of the Spirit that St Paul wrote about in the Letter to the Galatians (5:22).  It is not a static quality but one that is constantly developing and growing as we learn more about God and about ourselves.  Whilst God’s faithfulness to us is unchanging (Deuteronomy 7:9) our faith should be maturing and deepening, influenced by our life experiences and, in turn, influencing those same experiences.
Our faithfulness, to God or to each other, requires effort and our intentional will.  For this we need help, and our diocese has pledged over the next three years to encourage and support us in our faith journey by;
*Paying particular attention to the quality of our worship, liturgy, music and preaching.

*Continuing to enable lay Christians to share their faith with others in their places of work, study, recreation, and community.

*Developing opportunities for people to study our faith and scriptures together.

*Demonstrating a particular concern for children and young adults.

*working with Emmanuel Theological College (a newly formed college for the northern dioceses) to provide theological and ministerial education.

I will keep you fully informed of how our parish is responding to the Diocesan Vision of faithfulness to God and to each other.  Of course, the magazine itself contains articles that build up our faith and understanding so we already have a good foundation.   I hope you will be open to other ideas and events.  Please do let me know if you have thoughts and suggestions on how we can foster our personal and collective faithfulness.

Every blessing for the coming month,

Canon Janice
