Weekly Pew Sheet 21-06-20

2nd Sunday after Trinity also Father’s Day

This is now the fifteenth Sunday when we have been unable to worship together in church – but the good news is that we can begin to think about returning to our churches from next Sunday 28th June following new guidelines from Bishop Peter.  Each parish can decide what is best and safest for their churches and congregations.  Some people have felt fearful since lockdown in March and returning to Sunday services might seem daunting.

In our churches things will not be exactly as we left them, but we are on the road back to some normality. Our PCC are meeting this Monday (22nd June) to consider how and when we can reopen our churches and what measures might need to either remain in place or be adapted.   For instance, some people might appreciate space to spread out as they will have been isolating at home for most of the last three months. Higher hygiene standards will have to be met to try and keep everyone healthy, particularly when we start to offer refreshments after services again.

For this Sunday (21st June) Marown Church will be open again for private prayers between 2-4pm and Canon Janice will be in church if you wish to speak to her.

If anyone who is not continuing to ‘shield’ or preferring to keep ‘social distance’ is able to volunteer for church cleaning at Marown and St Luke’s please let me know.   Part of our reopening strategy will depend upon our ability to keep our churches clean.

Please keep alert for further news which will come via our website and Facebook pages as well as through this newsletter.

The last 10.30am Zoom service from the Cathedral will be next week (28th) and all future services will be actual services live streamed via their website www.cathedral.im. These can be viewed on a PC or laptop and ‘cast’ by Google chromecast to a television on the same wi-fi network to watch it on ‘the big screen’.
