Weekly Pew Sheet 30-05-2021

Services today are:
10.30am Marown Trinity Sunday
with Revd Steven Herron & our friends from the Crosby Chapel

6.30pm at Baldwin Guest Service
Nancy Clague is our Guest as she talks about her 30 years of Reader Ministry

Next Sunday services are:
10.30am Marown BCP Morning Prayer
11am Foxdale Messy Church
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

This week………..

Thursday 3rd June 10.30am Marown Church, the funeral of Ian Corlett former resident of Glen Vine.

Coming up…….

“What Wildlife Can You See in Our Graveyards?”

There will be Wildlife spotting events in the historic graveyards of Old St Runius and St Luke’s Baldwin on Saturday 12th June, 10am -12noon at Old St Runius & 2-4pm at St Luke’s with some refreshments provided at each church.

Come and join us for a couple of hours in these beautiful graveyards!

We will try to identify lots of the different types of wildlife which makes the graveyard their home.  “Spotter” guides and recording sheets will be provided, and there will be a prize for the biggest set of records!

Please bring a pencil, clothing appropriate to the weather and stout footwear (the graveyards have uneven ground)!
