Weekly Pew Sheet 17-05-20

Today (17 May) is Rogation Sunday.  Rogation is celebrated tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday and precedes Ascension Day on Thursday.  The word Rogation is from the Latin Rogare which means ‘to ask’ and the days of prayer, fasting and processions are a formal means of asking God for a good Harvest, protection against natural disasters and the forgiveness of sins. Traditionally a common feature of Rogation days was the ‘beating of the bounds’, in which a procession of parishioners led by the Minister and churchwardens would proceed around the boundary of the Parish and to pray for its protection over the coming year.


A Prayer for Rogationtide

Remember Lord, your mercy and kindness towards us.
Bless this good earth and make it fruitful.
Bless our labour and give us all things needed for our daily lives.
Bless the homes of our parish and all who live within them.
Bless our common life and care for our neighbours.
Hear us good Lord.
