Weekly Pew Sheet 01-01-23

Services this Sunday, New Year’s Day 2023;
6.30pm, Baldwin Lessons and Carols Service. (No service at Marown)

Services on 8th January
10.30am, Marown Plough Sunday service with the horses and plough arriving outside church c11.20am
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Happy New Year everyone,
I hope you had a lovely Christmas celebration and that you are looking forward to welcoming 2023.
On New Year’s Day St Luke’s Church Baldwin will be holding their Lessons and Carols service, I commend this to you as a wonderful start to the calendar year.
You will see from the pew sheets that many of our regular meetings begin again after the Christmas break.
On 8th January we have the annual Plough Sunday Service at Marown Church with the horses and plough joining us outside as has become our tradition.
As always details of services, meetings and events are on the sheet.
Whilst I am away Heather Paisley will be ‘minding the shop’, you can reach her on 07624 467158 or  heather.paisley.home@gmail.com

Every blessing

Canon Janice
