Weekly Pew Sheet 01-05-22

Services this week are;

10.30am Marown BCP Morning Prayer
2.30pm Baldwin Holy Baptism
 6.30pm service BCP Holy Communion

Next week, the Anniversary Services are;
10.30am Marown when we are joined by our friends from the Crosby Methodist Chapel.
6.30pm at Baldwin, Songs of Praise preceded by the walk with the Pipers and Choir to The Old Tynwald hill site.
You are welcome to join us at 4pm if you would like to join in with the pipers and choir at the old Tynwald site plus bring a picnic tea to eat in church before the service
(tea/coffee will be provided.)

Happy Bank Holiday weekend brothers and sisters,
I hope you have had the opportunity to enjoy the sunny weather and observe the many plants coming back to life after the winter.  The bluebells are particularly gorgeous.
Attached, as usual, are the sheets with lots of events I’m sure you will want to know about.
Next week is our anniversary weekend when both Marown Church and St Luke’s celebrate the founding of their buildings and the ministry that stems from them, I do hope you will be able to join us.
Last week, at our annual meetings, the following people were elected;
Church wardens- Malcolm Clague, Sue Waring and Sue Sayle.
Western Mission Partnership representatives-Chrissie Carter, Dave Ward and Sue Waring.
PCC members- Chrissie Carter, Don Roworth, Dave Ward, Simon Dunn, Rosemary Gibson, Sarah Spenser, Peter Speers and Nicholas Poole Wilson.
It is wonderful that these members of our fellowship are serving our parish again.
However, we are still short of 1 PCC member and 3 CHURCHWARDENS.   This puts an unfair onus on our elected representatives so I do urge you to consider coming forward.  If you would like an informal chat about what the roles entail then please get in touch with me.

I wish you all a safe and blessed week ahead,

Canon Janice
