Weekly Pew Sheet – 01-11-20

Services today are:
11 am Foxdale Messy Church
10.30am Marown BCP MP & 6.30pm Baldwin All Soul’s Service

Next week:
10.45am Marown & 6.30pmn Baldwin Remembrance Sunday Service
There is no Sunday service at St Paul’s Church Foxdale

This week…

As we remember loved ones this All Saints and All Soul’s weekend keep in your prayers those who mourn. Please include Bishop Peter – his mother died recently, and he travels over to the UK this week for her funeral.

Next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. The Marown service begins at 10.45am with St Luke’s at 6.30pm. The collections will be given to the Royal British Legion poppy appeal fund.

The Parents Prayer Meeting 9.15-10.15am Monday’s in the upper room at Marown Church have begun again. All are welcome to join in this ecumenical prayer time for families and children across the parish.
