Weekly Pew Sheet 02-05-21

Services today are:
10.30am Marown BCP Morning Prayer
11am Foxdale Messy Church
6.30pm Baldwin BCP HC

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

May has arrived-plus hail showers!   None-the-less, nature is blooming and events are beginning to happen again so please read the notices as several things are coming up over the next few weeks.
In particular our annual meeting on 23rd May, you have until Tuesday 4th May to add your name to the Electoral Roll if it isn’t already on so please double check if you need to do anything.
On 23rd May we will elect 6 churchwardens, 2 synod representatives, 3 Mission partnership representatives and 9 PCC members.  Please do prayerfully consider these roles and if you could fill one of these positions.  Those currently serving may well stand again but it would be wonderful for some new faces to join them in looking after our parish and its churches.
More immediately are our anniversary services at Marown and St Luke’s.
Sue Sayle, churchwarden at St Luke’s, explains what is happening next Sunday there-

From 3pm On Sunday 9th May we will be celebrating 184th Anniversary with a St Luke’s family gathering. For everyone with a connection or just a love of St Luke’s for an informal get together including a cake baking competition (adult and under 16’s classes), a cake sale, a walk up to Old Tynwald site and a treasure hunt. Followed by Church service at 6.30pm. Bring your own picnic. As this event is largely outdoors it is subject to 24 hour cancellation notice if weather is bad – to be posted on Facebook.

I do hope to see you at one of those anniversary services.

Every blessing for the coming week

