Weekly Pew Sheet 02-08-20

Services today are 10.30am Marown BCP Morning Prayer

6.30pm Baldwin BCP EP

Next Sunday 9th August 10.30am Marown Morning Praise,

followed by the Special Parish Meeting

 & 6.30pm Baldwin BCP HC


Coming up…

Our annual Church meetings have been rescheduled and begin with a Special Meeting to rescind the six-year churchwarden tenure ruling in our parish on Sunday 9th August c11am after a shortened morning worship.   This will be a brief meeting but please make every effort to attend.

The APCM will be held on Sunday 30th August 11am with the Electoral Roll being up-dated between 2-14th August.  New names can be added or existing details amended if necessary-forms are available at the back of church or by contacting Canon Janice.  If you are already on the ER and you have no details to amend (eg you haven’t moved house or changed contact details) then you don’t need to do anything-just sit back and relax…

