Weekly Pew Sheet 02-10-22

Services this Sunday;
10.30am Old St Runius ‘Harvest Morning Praise for all the family’
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Services next Sunday;
10.30am Marown Harvest Festival
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Evening Prayer

Dear friends,

For technical reasons this weeks pew sheet comes to you a day early but with all the news for the next week.

This Sunday we are having a ‘family friendly’ harvest celebration at Old St Runius (10.30am) with a more ‘traditional’ harvest service next week at Marown Church.

On Friday 7th October 7pm ‘Women in Song’ are in concert at Marown Church so do come along to hear them.

Thank you to all those who sponsored Dave Ward for the ‘Ride and Stride’ event, a few donations are still outstanding but it seems that about £300 will have been raised for parish funds.

Every blessing for the coming week,

Canon Janice
