Weekly Pew Sheet 03-04-22


Services this week are;
10.30am Marown BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Services next week are;
10.30am Marown Palm Sunday CW Holy Communion with the distribution of palm crosses
6.30pm Baldwin Palm Sunday CW Holy Communion with the distribution of palm crosses

Dear friends,

We have begun a new month, spring has arrived and we enter Passiontide this week as this season of Lent looks very much towards Jesus journey to Jerusalem.
On our sheets this week are the services for Holy Week and Easter across our Western Mission Partnership and I now include a special message from Bishop Peter about the Maundy Thursday midday service at the cathedral;

                                                      MAUNDY THURSDAY  CHRISM EUCHARIST
The Diocesan Chrism Eucharist takes place on Maundy Thursday (14th April) at midday in the cathedral.  The service includes a renewal of commitment to ministry for all the baptised as well as specific lay and ordained ones. With the exception of those in the sanctuary ministers will not be robing and are encouraged to sit with those whom they share in ministry with.
This is the occasion when the oil for the anointing of the sick and dying, the oil of baptism and the oil of chrism are blessed and made available for use in the parishes.
Afterwards a light lunch is laid on for everyone of soup, sandwiches, fruit and cake.  There is no charge, but you may wish to make a donation to the work of Big Table at the cathedral.
This is the one yearly occasion when we are visibly together as a diocese and can ask God’s blessing upon our shared ministry.  Everyone is most welcome and encouraged to be present.

Prayers and blessings to you all

Canon Janice
PS: Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control some of those people who receive the pew sheet on a direct mailing list have not done so today because of a technical hitch with a local communications provider!
