Weekly Pew Sheet 03-09-23

Services for Sunday 3rd September;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm at Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion

Services for Sunday 10th September;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Holy Communion with Revd Mark Radcliffe
6.30pm at Baldwin, BCP Evening Prayer

Services for Sunday 17th September;
10.30am at Marown CW Holy Communion
2pm at Baldwin, Holy Baptism
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Evening Prayer

Greetings friends,

What a glorious day, summer is still with us!

Please find attached the pew sheet for this week, it also covers next week too so keep it handy.

The church parish Fund-raising group have worked hard to plan and provide a number of events for social as well as financial benefit.  Several of these have been poorly supported which is very dispiriting so a good turn out for the upcoming Handbell and organ concert, and the Murder Mystery night would boost morale. Please see the accompanying posters for details.

  A huge thank you to everyone who helped in any way with MGP catering at Marown Church.  Our visitors were very pleased with all the refreshments we provided, particularly given the changeable weather.

Every blessing to you all,

Canon Janice
