Weekly Pew Sheet 03-10-21

Services This Week:
Saturday 2nd October 3pm at the cathedral Ordination to the Priesthood of Revd Steven Herron
All are welcome to celebrate this wonderful occasion

Sunday 3rd October 10.30am Old St Runius BCP Morning Prayer with Harvest Theme,
11am Foxdale Messy Church also a Harvest Theme

6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion
Revd Steven Herron celebrates his first Eucharist preceded by a ‘bring and share’ tea starting at 4.30pm

Services next week:
We will be joined by our friends from the Crosby Chapel.
Please bring your offerings of fresh or non-perishable goodies on that Sunday and present them as part of our service.
They will then be shared out to local residents and the IOM Foodbank.

6.30pm Baldwin BCP EP (non-singing)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

we have much to celebrate this weekend so I am sending out our pew sheets a day early!
Tomorrow 2nd Oct 3pm at the cathedral Revd Steven Herron will be ordained into the priesthood, you are all invited to attend.  Please be in the cathedral seated by 2.45pm.
On Sunday 3rd Oct 6.30pm Revd Steven will celebrate his first Eucharist, again all are invited, our celebrations begin at 4.30pm with a bring and share tea with the BCP HC service starting at 6.30pm.
Also on Sunday at 10.30am there will be a harvest themed service at Old St Runius and 11am at Foxdale Messy Harvest.
What a wonderful weekend this should be,
every blessing to you all,