Weekly Pew sheet 03-12-23

Services for Sunday 3rd December;
10.30am at Marown Church, BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm at St Luke’s Church Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion

Services for Sunday 10th December;
10.30am Marown Church BCP Holy Communion
3pm at St Luke’s Church Baldwin, the Manx Footpath Conservation Group Carol Service (there will be no 6.30pm service).

Advent greetings friends,

I hope you are marking the beginning of the new church year in some way, perhaps, with extra Bible reading or reflection guides-The Very Revd John Mann’s Advent book will be available for daily reading in Marown Church from tomorrow.
Advent candles and calendars also count!
Posters and leaflets with details of the Christmas services will go out later this coming week so please look out for those.

Thank you to all those who helped with the Marown Christmas Coffee morning and those who looked after the parish while I was away.

Please take extra care during this ‘cold snap’ of weather, let me know of anyone in particular need of assistance and keep up your prayers for our troubled world as we await our Saviour’s return.

Every blessing

Canon Janice
