Weekly Pew Sheet 04-07-21

Services this Sunday are:

10.30am Marown BCP Morning Prayer,
11am Foxdale Messy Church
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Next Sunday 11th July services are

10.30am Marown Celtic Communion
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Evening Prayer

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I have a bumper issue of the pew sheet this week with lots going on as we approach Tynwald Day and begin National Week today.
The main item is the Green Pilgrimage taking place in the churches across the west of the island and including Old St Runius.  Many thanks to Rosemary Gibson, Chrissie Carter, Sue Sayle, Nicholas Poole-Wilson & Dave Ward for the marvellous displays inside the church telling the story of our parish’s ‘green pilgrimage’ to date.  Do go up to have a look and if at all possible visit the other churches as well (Patrick, Dalby, Kirk Michael and the cathedral).
Don’t forget Messy Church at Foxdale tomorrow celebrating Godparents.
There are many other activities happening so please do  read the pew sheet attached so you don’t miss out.
I wish you all a happy and blessed week,
