Weekly Pew Sheet 04-09-22

Services this Sunday;
10.30am Marown BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Services next week;

Friday 9th September 2pm, St George & All Saints Church Douglas, the funeral of Charles Wilson

Sunday 11th Sept 10.30am Marown BCP Holy Communion
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Evening Prayer
Sunday 11th Sept 9am-2pm there are road closures for a cycling event around St Mark’s and Stuggadhoo area.  Please visit Cycling.IM for more details.

Dear sisters and brother in Christ,
The new month has arrived and autumn seems to have come with it!   However, at least our prayers for rain have been answered.
I hope you are all safe and well and have had a blessed week.
Attached are the pew sheets for the coming week, various events are beginning to resume so please do look out for those.
In particular this coming Thursday 8th September 7pm in Marown Church the will be ‘An evening with an Air Ambulance Practitioner’ our own curate Revd Steven Herron.
He will entertainingly tell us everything we ever wanted to know about this important service.
Refreshments will be available afterwards and donations will be split between parish funds and the Air Ambulance.

Don’t forget to let me know if you have any prayer requests, I will include these in my personal daily prayers.

Every blessing

Canon Janice
