Weekly Pew Sheet 07-05-23

Services for Sunday 7th May;
11am at Crosby Methodist Chapel,
a service to mark the coronation of King Charles III & Queen Camilla.
(no service at Marown Church)

3.30pm at the cathedral, a special diocesan service to mark the coronation.

6.30pm at Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion

 Services for 14th May;
10.30am Marown Anniversary Service and celebration of the centenary of the Marown Branch of the Mothers’ Union
followed by a ‘bring and share’ lunch

6.30pm Baldwin Anniversary Service, with cake!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I hope you are enjoying our second Bank Holiday weekend of the month.

After the parish coronation event at Marown Primary School on Friday afternoon, we have a joint service at the Crosby Methodist Chapel tomorrow morning to mark the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla, details are on the pew sheet.

There are a number of other events and celebrations coming up so do check the pew sheet for those dates.

Please let me know if anyone has any prayer requests or would like me to visit them.

I wish you all a blessed week,

Canon Janice
