Weekly Pew sheet 08-01-23

Services on 8th January are;
10.30am, Marown Plough Sunday service,
with the horses and plough blessing outside church c11.20am.
6.30pm, Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Services next Sunday 15th January are;
10.30am,Marown CW Holy Communion
6.30pm, Baldwin CW Evening Prayer

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

It is amazing that the first week of the New Year has already passed.
I hope that 2023 has begun happily and healthily for you.
Thank you to those people who looked after the parish and kept Marown Church open during my leave.
It is good to be back amongst you all as we celebrate Plough Sunday at Marown Church tomorrow morning.
We are expecting the plough and horses along with David and Nicola Rawnsley to be outside Marown Church at about 11.20am to draw our worship to a close, with the usual refreshments following after that.

Every blessing for the coming week,

Canon Janice
