Weekly Pew Sheet 09-04-23

Services for Sunday 9th April;
10.30am at Marown
6.30pm at Baldwin
Easter Day Common Worship Holy Communion
(It is the custom in this diocese that the Easter Day collection goes to the vicar.)

Services for Sunday 16th April;
10.30am at Marown, CW Holy Communion
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Evening Prayer

Dearest friends,

Happy Easter to you all.  May the joys of Christ’s resurrection enfold you this Easter Day and beyond.

There are a few new items on the pew sheet so please do take a look.

Also, look out for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting reports which I will circulate later today electronically, they will also be on the parish website and a hard copy will be available in each church.  If you would like a personal hard copy please let me know.

Every blessing,

Canon Janice
