Weekly Pew Sheet 09-05-2021

Services today are Anniversary Services:

10.30am Marown with our friends from the Crosby Methodist Chapel

St Luke’s Baldwin from 4pm
which there includes a quiz / treasure hunt, an exhibition of paintings of St Luke’s, a cake competition (with an under 16s class), a wander up the Old Tynwald site for hardy souls, a cake sale finishing with the Anniversary Service at 6.30pm.
We will be serving tea / coffee and biscuits but ask you to bring your own picnic tea (not our usual bring and share due to Covid considerations).
You can come and admire the recent external painting of the windows, doors and surrounds which was paid for entirely from our Friends of St Luke’s funds – it really has made a huge difference.

Services next week will be:
10.30am Marown CW Holy Communion + Choir
6.30pm Baldwin Healing Service

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

We are fast approaching mid-May though you might not have known that from the weather!
This means our annual meetings are only a couple of weeks away on 23rd May so please make every effort to come to St Luke’s for those important meetings and fellowship afterwards.
Nomination forms for Churchwardens, Synod representatives, PCC members and Mission Partnership representatives are available in church from tomorrow so please consider standing for one of those offices, YOUR PARISH NEEDS YOU.
There are several other events coming up so please also look at those notices too.
The Link sheets are available in church for you to pick up.
Every blessing for the week ahead,
