Weekly Pew Sheet 09-10-22

Services this Sunday;
10.30am Marown Harvest Festival*
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Evening Prayer

Services next Sunday;
11am Crosby Methodist Chapel Harvest (no service at Marown Church)
6.30pm Baldwin Healing Service

*Harvest Festival at Marown Parish Church, any donations of food will go to the Foodbank so we would appreciate tinned and packeted  items only please.

Dear friends in Christ,
The harvest season comes to Marown Parish Church this week with our service tomorrow at 10.30am.
Everyone is welcome to join us, and we are pleased that our friends from the Crosby Methodist Chapel will be with us.
Donations of tins or packets of food will go to the IOM Foodbank.
Thank you to those people who decorated each of our churches for our harvest celebrations, they have each looked glorious.
Please don’t be alarmed if you visit Marown Church next week and find the carpet by the altar pulled up, we are hoping the leaking pipe will be repaired over the next few days and we are providing safe access to it for the plumbers.
Also, remember to look at the notice boards for more details of events that are happening, the leaflets laid out in various places in each church and there is the library at Marown Church from which you are welcome to borrow books, just help yourself and return them when you have finished.

Every blessing

Canon Janice
