Weekly Pew Sheet 11-12-22

Services this Sunday;
10.30am Marown BCP Holy Communion
Baldwin 3pm, The Manx Footpath Conservation Group Carol Service (There will be no 6.30pm service)

Services next Sunday 18th December;
4pm Marown Church, Carols & Christingle Service

6.30pm Baldwin, CW Evening Prayer

Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ,

We are half way through our Advent journey and the Incarnation is beckoning.  I hope your spiritual and temporal preparations are going well, that you are safe and healthy despite the various illnesses going round and that you are keeping warm as the temperature drops.

Please let me know if anyone is in any difficulty.

Do please read and note the various events and services, leaflets with the Christmas services are in each church, please help yourself and pass them on to neighbours.

Every blessing

Canon Janice
