Weekly Pew sheet 13-02-22

Services this week are;
10.30am Marown Celtic Communion 
 3.30pm Choral Evensong at the cathedral
(there will be no evening service at St Luke’s Baldwin)

Services next Sunday 20th February are;
10.30am Marown CW Holy Communion +choir
2pm Holy Baptism (at Marown)
6.30pm Baldwin Healing Service

Friends in Christ,
I hope you are safe and warm amidst the storms and keeping well too, please let me know if you or anyone you know is poorly so I can be in touch with them (if they wish me to!).
I attach the pew sheet with details of our Sunday services and weekly activities.
Please note we have been invited as a parish to Choral Evensong at the cathedral this Sunday afternoon 3.30pm, I do hope a good number of you will be able to attend, they have a guest preacher  plus refreshments afterwards.

We send our congratulations to Revd Irene Cowell, currently minister for Castletown and Arbory, on her appointment as our Archdeacon.  We pray for her in this role, for the parish she will leave and for St George’s with All Saints as she joins them.

Every blessing for the coming week,

Canon Janice
