Weekly Pew Sheet 13-11-22

Services this Sunday;
Service of Remembrance  10.45am Marown
Service of Remembrance 6.30pm Baldwin

Next week;
10.30am Marown CW Holy Communion + Choir
6.30pm Baldwin CW Evening Prayer

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
Our services this Sunday are for Remembrance, thus, at Marown we begin our worship at the later time of 10.45am so we can mark the two minute silence at 11am.  Weather permitting our wreath-laying ceremony will take place c.11.40am at the war memorial.

Our service at St Luke’s Baldwin is at the usual time of 6.30pm and closes with the placing of crosses by the main door at c.7.20pm.

This coming Friday 18th Nov we have the first of 5 weekly soup lunches followed by discussion time on ‘Caring for Creation’ which looks at aspects of environmental and climate concern.  You are welcome to come to one or both of these events and to enjoy a ‘Warm Space’ for the afternoon.  There is no charge for either but donations to church funds are always appreciated.

Every blessing for the week ahead,

Canon Janice
