Weekly Pew Sheet 13-12-2020

Services today are:
10.30am – Marown –  BCP Holy Communion
3pm – Baldwin –  Walkers Carol Service

Next week our Christmas Services begin with…
Thursday 17th December
Village Carol Service 7pm Marown Parish Church
(not at the Crosby Chapel as in previous years)
Sunday 20th December
4pm – Marown – Christingle and Carols
6.30pm Baldwin Lessons and Carols

We have recently introduced Giving Tokens for those who make their church offering via banking instead of cash or envelopes.
You are invited to pick up a token from the basket near the collection plate and put it into the collection dish so it can be brought to the altar during the offertory and blessed.

This week…

The next session of our parish study course is on Monday 14th Dec 7.30pm in Marown Church. This session is about ‘Exodus & the Promised Land. Refreshments will be available from 7.15pm. Come and explore The BIG STORY. If you wish to join in on-line then please contact Canon Janice.PS-13-12-20

Invitations to our Christmas Celebrations: Rosemary Gibson has had invitations made for handing to friends and neighbours. These give the details of our Christmas services from next week. It would be great if everyone / every couple could take 5-10 of these and give them to their neighbours. If you live close to others in the congregations, please coordinate with them so folk do not receive multiple copies. Rosemary will distribute them to the new houses in Crosby, and Glen Vine Park / Park Close. If you would like help distributing yours, please let her know – and like a speeding Santa she will be round on her bike to help!!!!!

Decorating Old St Runius for the Christmas Morning service: We will do this on the morning of Wednesday Dec 23rd from ~10. All welcome to come and help……

Saturday 19th Dec 10-11am Canon Janice will be preparing the Christingles for the Marown service the next day. Anyone who likes making Christingles and can resist eating all the sweets is welcome to join her in Marwon Church for this fun activity.
