Weekly Pew Sheet 14-01-24

Services for Sunday 14th January;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Holy Communion with guest preacher Doug Chalk
as we mark his retirement from Reader ministry.
6.30pm at Baldwin, BCP Evening Prayer  

Services for Sunday 21st January;
10.30am at Marown, CW Holy Communion*
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Evening Prayer

*in the south transept

Dearest friends,

What exciting news!   There are now 6 green recycling bins outside Marown Church -at the west end of the building facing the newest part of the churchyard.
Here you can recycle your tins, glass, some plastics, cartons and paper.  Please pass the word round so they get used regularly.  The bins are clearly labelled with what you can put in each one so happy recycling.

On a sadder note we say ‘goodbye’ and ‘happy retirement’ to Doug Chalk who has been a valued Reader in our parish for 25 years.  We have a service at Marown Church tomorrow during which we give thanks for his long and gracious service and fellowship, I hope you will be able to join us.

The weather is due to be much colder next week so do look after yourselves and each other.   Let me know if there is anyone you are particularly concerned about.

Every blessing,

Canon Janice
