Weekly Pew Sheet 14-02-21

Services today are:
10.30am Marown – Celtic Communion
(with the theme ‘Show the love’ for the planet by acting against climate change)
6.30pm Baldwin – BCP Evening Prayer – Revd Steven leading

Services next Sunday are:
10.30am Marown CW Holy Communion
(with election of churchwardens following at 11.30am)
6.30pm Baldwin CW Evening Prayer

This week…

Wednesday 17th Feb 7pm Marown Church Ash Wednesday HC with the Imposition of ashes-Revd Steven sharing a homily.

The Church of England’s Lent campaign this year is ‘God’s story Our story’ with booklets, mobile phone apps or on-line resources from their website (details of this at the end of the sheet)


Guided Prayer : A suggested Lenten Study : a new, free, online guided prayer series, which draws its inspiration from the Anglican monastic traditions, called Rhythm of Grace – Lent will be released on Ash Wednesday, 17th Feb. See: the ‘Discovering Prayer’ site. Bishop Peter says “ My hope is that such a programme of prayer, shared with the wider world and drawing on the ancient Christian tradition of the hallowing of time by commending the day to God at its beginning and its end, will offer spiritual structure to the day and God’s comfort to the soul.”

Friday 19th Feb Foxdale Church Soup lunches 12noon-2pm & then children’s club until c.3pm with craft activities and games.

Coming up…

Sunday 21st February 11.30am Marown Church there will be an election for a casual Churchwarden.

Notices are displayed in our parish churches. We have two vacancies for churchwardens, nomination forms are available at the back of church. The Vicar General will be in attendance so those elected can immediately be sworn into office. Those elected will hold office until our Annual Meeting in April.
