Weekly Pew Sheet 14-03-21

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Greetings as we approach Mothering Sunday and 4th Sunday of Lent still in lockdown and with the sad news of a Covid related death this week.  Just as last year, this season in our Christian calendar is mirroring the wilderness that we associate with the beginning of Jesus ministry.  During a zoom meeting I attended today the Archbishop of York referred to times of ‘refining’ when we face darkness, difficulty and  then, ultimately, transformation by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We hope and pray that the times of darkness are coming to a close and that we will be even more prepared for the hope and life that is possible in Jesus Christ.
I am keeping each one of you in my prayers throughout the course of a week, please let me know if you have a particular prayer request.  I am concentrating my phone calls on those people who don’t use facebook or computers etc but if you like me to contact you please do let me know.
I am hoping to lead a short Mothering Sunday Service on our parish Facebook page tomorrow morning 10am, please do join me if you can or go on the page later in the day, it will still be there.
Every blessing for the coming week.