Weekly Pew Sheet 14-08-22

Services this Sunday;
10.30am Old St Runius Celtic Communion
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Evening Prayer

Services next week;
Wednesday 17th August 11am, Marown Church funeral of Christopher Gelling
Saturday 20th August 3pm, Baldwin Baptism service
Sunday 21st August 10.30am, Marown café Church for the start of MGP
6.30pm Baldwin CW Evening Prayer (said service)

Dear friends in Christ,

I hope you are not burnt to a frazzle with our unusually hot weather and I trust you have kept hydrated and using plenty of sun screen when outdoors.
What a treat visitors to the island will have had, to see the Isle of Man in all its sunny glory.
We are building up to Manx Grand Prix next weekend and Marown Church will be offering hospitality as a café again.  If anyone can help please let me know.
We will be promoting recycling, using local produce and Fair Trade tea and coffee plus our delicious homemade cakes.
We expect Sunday worship to carry on with only a slight change to our normal services – see the pew sheet for details.
I wish you all a safe and blessed week ahead,
Every blessing

Canon Janice
