Weekly Pew Sheet 16-10-22

Services this Sunday;
11am Crosby Methodist Chapel Harvest (no service at Marown Church)
 6.30pm Baldwin Healing Service

Services next week;
Saturday; St Luke’s Church Baldwin 12noon wedding
Sunday; 10.30am Marown Morning Praise
6.30pm Baldwin CW Holy Communion

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Attached is the pew sheet with the latest news of services and events across the parish and beyond.
Please do take a few minutes to have a look at the sheet and note down the various items.
There are also a few events in the planning stages, in particular we are hoping to hold a coffee morning on Saturday 19th November in Marown Church, full details to follow next week.  Offers of help gratefully received!

As the days get chillier and the hours of darkness increase do look after yourselves and keep an eye on vulnerable friends and neighbours.

Keep your prayer requests coming to me as I include these in my twice daily prayer time.

Every blessing for the week ahead,

Canon Janice
