Weekly Pew Sheet 18-12-22

Services this Sunday 18th Dec;
 4pm at Marown Church, a Service of Carols & Christingles
6.30pm Baldwin CW Evening Prayer

Christmas services and events;
Thursday 22nd Dec 2pm Marown School have their end of term assembly in Marown Church.
Christmas Eve;
6.30pm Baldwin, Christmas Communion with carols
11.30pm Marown, Christmas Communion with carols.
Christmas Day;
10.30am Old St Runius, Christmas Day Family Service (non-communion).

The Bethlehem Peace Light is lit and has been placed on the altar in both Marown and St Luke’s churches for the coming week, please do go in and offer your prayers for peace or let the Peace Candle light up your life.

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
We have reached the 4th Sunday of Advent, our season of preparation for the coming of Christ  will soon give way to celebrating Jesus birth 2,000 years ago.
Despite the very cold spell we have experienced over the past week or so I hope you are warm and well and ready to rejoice at our Saviour’s Incarnation.
Our pew sheet reminds you of our Christmas services plus there are a few other notices as well so please do take a look.
The decorating of Old St Runius will take place on Friday morning 23rd Dec 10am, helpers are welcome and if you have flowers and foliage to bring that will be  appreciated too.
Our next pew sheet will be on Thursday 22nd December instead of on Christmas Eve!
Every blessing and all good wishes
Canon Janice
