Weekly Pew Sheet 19-03-23

Services for Sunday 19th March;
10.30am at St German’s cathedral with the Archbishop of York,
The Most Revd and Honourable Stephen Cottrell who will preach and preside at the Eucharist.

6.30pm at St Luke’s Church Baldwin CW Holy Communion for Mothering Sunday.

 Services for Sunday 26th March;
10.30am at Marown, Morning Praise.
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Holy Communion.

Dearest sisters and brothers in Christ,

I pray that this has been a blessed week for you and your loved ones.

Some of you will have had the joy of hearing the Archbishop of York speak today either in Port Erin or in Ramsey.  He was inspirational, warm and affirming.  If you weren’t able to hear him in person then you can see his talk via the diocesan website (details of that on the pew sheet).   I do encourage you to take the trouble to watch and listen to that.

Don’t forget that the Archbishop will preach and preside at the cathedral 10.30am tomorrow morning.  I hope many of you will be there and then up at St Luke’s in the evening for our parish Mothering Sunday service.  (The cathedral service will be live-streamed, go to their website cathedral.im then click on the  ‘live stream’ tab if you can’t attend in person).

I wish you a happy Mothering Sunday and a safe, blessed week ahead,

Canon Janice

PS Don’t forget the clocks change next Saturday night/Sunday morning!
