Weekly Pew Sheet 19-06-22

Services this week;
 10.30am Marown CW Holy Communion + choir
6.30pm Baldwin CW Evening Prayer.
Cash collections taken today will be for the Emergency Disasters Committee Appeal for Ukraine.

 Also, at Marown Church after the morning service (c11.30am) there will be a meeting of parishioners to elect a churchwarden.

Services next Sunday:
11am Crosby Methodist Chapel Anniversary Service (no service at Marown Church)
6.30pm Baldwin CW Holy Communion

Happy Father’s Day to all Dads on this busy Sunday!

There are lots of things happening on 19th June. Besides our usual services at Marown and Baldwin, we are electing a new churchwarden, the new Archdeacon is being installed in a service at the cathedral and  we are having a cash collection for Ukraine- full details of all these things are on the pew sheet with lots more besides so do please take a look and note the various dates.

In particular the Laxey Handbell Ringers are giving a concert on Friday 24th June in Marown Church and details about this are on the attached poster.

Thank you to everyone who helped in whatever way with the TT catering and the Jubilee Service, both went very well, were much enjoyed and appreciated, and were excellent examples of Christian hospitality.

Prayers and blessings for the coming week,

Canon Janice
