Weekly Pew Sheet 19-12-21

Services this Sunday are;
4pm Marown Christingle and Carols
6.30pm Baldwin CW Holy Communion (non-singing)
, at the Crosby Methodist Chapel there is a carol service at 11am to which all are invited.

Christmas Weekend Services are;
Christmas Eve 6.30pm at Baldwin, Christmas Communion
Christmas Eve 11.30pm Marown Christmas Communion
Christmas Day 10.30am at Old St Runius (carols and readings not Holy Communion)
Sunday 26th Dec 10am at Foxdale CW Holy Communion for St Stephen’s Day

Ho ho ho, Christmas is almost here, the final few days of Advent are upon us as we spiritually prepare for this special season.
I hope, despite the worrying news surrounding Covid, you are all safe and well.  Our Covid measures remain in place in our churches with the additional one this week of no refreshments until further notice.   Thank you to everyone for your cooperation thus far, it is important not to let our guard down.
With these measures in place we expect our Christmas services to go ahead as planned.

Our next pew sheet will be on Friday 24th Dec Christmas Eve and cover 2 weeks.
Every blessing to you all,

Canon Janice