Weekly Pew Sheet 20-02-22

Services this week are;
10.30am Marown CW Holy Communion +choir
2pm Holy Baptism (at Marown)
 6.30pm Baldwin Healing Service

Services next Sunday 27th  February are;
10.30am Marown CW Morning Praise
12.30pm Holy Baptism (at Marown)
6.30pm Baldwin CW Holy Communion

Sisters and brothers in Christ,
I hope the storms of the past few days have not caused you any difficulties or worry and that you are safe, warm and well.
This is half term for our schools so it will be wonderful if families of all ages can be out and about enjoying everything our beautiful island has to offer.
You will see from the pew sheet that more events are occurring, I draw your attention to Fairtrade Fortnight and The World Day of Prayer items.
There may be events you can’t go to but please keep them in your prayers.
There is no further news about the repairs to St Paul’s Church Foxdale but I will keep you up-dated when there is.
Every blessing,

Canon Janice
