Weekly Pew Sheet 20-11-22

Services this Sunday;
10.30am Marown CW Holy Communion + Choir
6.30pm Baldwin CW Evening Prayer

Services Next week;
10.30am Marown Morning Praise
6.30pm Baldwin CW Holy Communion

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Thank you to all those people who supported the Marown Church Christmas coffee morning today (Sat 20th Nov), especially everyone who helped set up, serve during the event or manned stalls and those who helped clear away.  We are grateful to our stall holders for their support too.

A great time was had by all who attended, it was another occasion of warm friendship and socialising.

There is another opportunity to get together this Tuesday in Marown Church for afternoon tea with the Church Recorders (they aren’t musicians!). More details are on the sheet along with those for the soup lunches and ‘Caring for Creation’ discussion group on Fridays also in Marown Church.

Prayers and blessings,

Canon Janice
