Weekly Pew Sheet 21-02-21

Services today are:
10.30am Marown – CW Holy Communion
(with election of churchwardens following at 11.30am)

6.30pm Baldwin – CW Evening Prayer

Next Sunday:
10am Foxdale – CW Holy Communion,
10.30am Marown – CW Morning Prayer
6.30pm Baldwin – CW Holy Communion

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Our Lenten journey has begun.
Please find linked the usual Pew Sheet. Please also note the following items:
  • there are slips in the back of each Church for anyone who cannot access the Perw Sheet or Parish Magazine electronically, or who finds doing so difficult. If this applies to you or someone you know please either fill in one of the forms or contact me directly about getting paper copies.
  • those at Marown and St Lukes Churches last Sunday will have heard about our Green Energy donation plates. These bowls will be available during refreshment times after services for those wishing to make loose change donations towards our Green Energy tariff. This tariff is part of our Eco-Church policy of using renewable generated electricity, decreasing our Carbon Footprint by a whopping 20%.
  • don’t forget after our morning service at Marown (c.11:30am) we will hold the election to fill a casual vacancy for Church Wardens. Those who are on the electoral roll will be entitled to vote should that be necessary. The Vicar-General, Mr Howard Connell, will be joining us to immediately swear the successful candidate into office.

This week…

The Church of England’s Lent campaign this year is ‘God’s story Our story’ with booklets, mobile phone apps or on-line resources from their website (details of this at the end of the sheet)


Guided Prayer : A suggested Lenten Study : a new, free, online guided prayer series, which draws its inspiration from the Anglican monastic traditions, called Rhythm of Grace – Lent will be released on Ash programme of prayer, shared with the wider world and drawing on the ancient Christian tradition of the hallowing of time by commending the day to God at its beginning and its end, will offer spiritual structure to the day and God’s comfort to the soul.”

Fairtrade Fortnight  22nd Feb-7th March: Climate, Fairtrade and You. Every year, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks, mine our gold and who grow the cotton in our clothes, people who are often exploited and underpaid. This year more than ever, it’s important we come together to stand with the people behind the food we depend on, as they face the daily realities of the climate crisis. COVID has shown us more than ever how interconnected we are globally. This interconnection is at the very heart of the Fairtrade message and is where our role begins. We have the power to drive long-term change, not only with our shopping choices but also with our support in spreading the message. For more info. on how to get involved online and across our communities please see: www.fairtrade.org.uk “Fairtrade brings about the transformation of Lives, sip by sip of each cup of Fairtrade coffee and each drop of Fairtrade tea you drink.”

Coming up…

Special Event at St Luke’s next Saturday: a warm welcome

This is an open invitation to anyone who would like to attend an informal event at St Luke’s on Saturday 27th February, when the IOM Organists’ Association will be meeting.  Proceedings will start with light refreshments and chat at 10:30 am, followed at about 11:00 by a half-hour organ concert given by Gareth Moore.  After the concert the Association will be holding their AGM, which will be kept as brief as possible; everyone is invited to stay for it, but only members may vote!  This is the first time in many years that the Organists’ Association has visited St Luke’s, and a unique opportunity to hear our interesting instrument in the hands of a well-known player; apart from being an accompanist and tutor, Gareth is the ‘resident’ organist at Trinity Methodist, Douglas and at Ballagarey Chapel, St Mark’s.
Please do plan to come!
