Weekly Pew Sheet 23-04-23

Services for Sunday 23rd April;
10.30am at Marown, a Shortened Morning Praise with Annual Parochial Church Meeting at c.11.15am
6.30pm at Baldwin CW Holy Communion

Services for Sunday 30th April;
10.30am at Marown, Service of the Word with guest speaker Louise Whitelegg.
Louise will tell us all about this year’s IOM Christian Aid campaign.

 6.30pm at Baldwin, Healing Service.

Dear friends,

Please find attached a bumper mailing this week.
There are the usual pew sheets-with new items so please do read them-plus the papers which support our annual meetings tomorrow.  These meetings will elect our churchwardens and PCC members and there will be the opportunity to ask any questions about the running of the parish and its future vision.

There will be a shortened Morning Prayer at the usual time of 10.30am with time for coffee before the annual meetings start at 11.15am.

This is an important occasion in the life of our parish so I do hope you will be able to attend.

Every blessing

Canon Janice
