Weekly Pew Sheet 24-09-23

Services for Sunday 24th Sept;
10.30am at Marown, Morning Praise
6.30pm at Baldwin CW Holy Communion

Services for Sunday 1st October;
11am Civic Service at Crosby Methodist Chapel-(there will be no service at Marown Church)
6.30pm at Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion

Services for Sunday 8th October;
10.30am, Marown Harvest Festival with our friends from the Crosby Chapel
 6.30pm at Baldwin, BCP Evening Prayer

Dear friends,
Another week has whizzed by and so here is  another pew sheet for you to keep up-to-date with church events.

Thank you to those who attended the Laxey Handbell Ringers Concert at Marown Church last night, it was a super occasion with wonderful music from the handbell ringers and from Don Roworth on the organ.  Thanks also to our caterers for the evening, everyone attending went home well fed up!

Don’t forget our next fund-raising event is the ‘Murder Mystery night’ at Pulrose Golf Club on Saturday 21st October, details are on posters in church, on various Facebook pages and  the parish website.

Please let me have your prayer requests for my daily prayer time, I know several people are poorly or awaiting hospital treatment at the moment-you are in my prayers.  We give thanks where people are recovering from illness.

Every blessing to you all,

Canon Janice
