Weekly Pew Sheet 25-04-2021

Services today are:
10am Foxdale Morning Prayer
10.30am Marown ‘A Service of Thanks-giving and commemoration for the life of HRH, the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh’
6.30pm Baldwin CW Holy Communion

Next Sunday:
10.30am Marown BCP Morning Prayer
11am Foxdale Messy Church
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Welcome back inside our churches.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Please find attached the pew sheet for the coming week.
As you will see we are starting things off quietly as we move from ‘elimination to mitigation’ of the virus.  The hand sanitizer is available in each church, please do use it if you visit.  Also we will be taking names for contact tracing-should that be necessary, place use the slips provided if visiting our churches outside service times.
During acts of worship we will try to ventilate our buildings more than previously.  If you wish to wear a mask please feel free to do so.  Also, please try to respect people’s personal space if they wish to sit at a social distance.
Our annual meetings are taking place on 23rd May.  Don’t forget to check if your name is on the Electoral Roll, if not and you would like it to be then fill in one of the forms in church and return it to me or Sue Sharples BY 4TH MAY.
I hope you are all keeping well, do let me know if anyone is ill or would like me to contact them.
keep safe and enjoy this Easter season.
every blessing