Weekly Pew Sheet 25-06-23

Services for Sunday 25th June;
11am, The Crosby Chapel Anniversary Service (no service at Marown Church)
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Holy Communion.

Services for Sunday 2nd July;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm at Baldwin, The Mariner’s Service with the Mariner’s Choir and guest preacher
Revd Dr Michael Brydon,
followed by refreshments then more singing!

Dear friends,

I have a bumper delivery for you today.  You can sit back and relax in the sunshine and read both the pew sheet and the latest edition of the parish magazine (which will be a separate download  after this post).  I hope you enjoy both.

Please note there is no service at Marown Church tomorrow morning as we join with the Crosby Chapel at 11am for their anniversary service.

Next Sunday evening The Mariner’s Choir are at St Luke’s, I hope you will be able to join us for that, contributions of cake/sandwiches would be much appreciated-singing makes you hungry!

Have a blessed Sunday,

Canon Janice.
